Ammonites from the Middle Jurassic of Mexico II.- Infrapatoceras Gen. Nov.

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Héctor Ochoterena F.


A set of uncoiled ammonites of the Spirocerataceae family, from the Yucuñuti Formation (Callovian) of Mexico (NE of the State of Guerrero and NW of the State of Oaxaca) is studied. Due to the association it presents with the genus Parapatoceras, a historical summary of this group is made. A new genus is described: Ingrapatocera, with only one new species: I. biserratum.

For the first time, the development of the lobe line of a parapathoceratid is divulged. In phylogenetic considerations, the probability that the entire group of spiroceratids derives from Parastrenoceras is raised.

The structure of the spiroceratids and the characteristics of the sediments in which the Mexican specimens are found suggest the possibility that they were neritic vagile organisms from the benthos, which were deposited directly in the place where they died.

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How to Cite
Ochoterena F., H. (1966). Ammonites from the Middle Jurassic of Mexico II.- Infrapatoceras Gen. Nov. Paleontología Mexicana, (23), 1–29.


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