Monograph of the Middle Miocene mollusks from Santa Rosa, Veracruz, Mexico Part III (Gastropods: Pyramidellidae to Siphonariidae) and Part IV (Scaphopods: Dentaliidae, Siphonodentaliidae

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Maria del Carmen Perrilliat Montoya


A molluscan fauna of forty one species (gastropods) is described and ilustrated. Five species are described as new: Eulimella (Eulimella) bartschi , Acteon (Acteon) pilsbryi, Acteon (Acteon) dalli, Ringicula (Ringiculella) subrectus, Atys (Aliculastrum) santarosaensis.

The whole fauna derives from a single horizon of the Middle Miocene Agueguexquite Formation of the southeast portion of the State of Veracruz.


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How to Cite
Perrilliat Montoya, M. del C. (1974). Monograph of the Middle Miocene mollusks from Santa Rosa, Veracruz, Mexico Part III (Gastropods: Pyramidellidae to Siphonariidae) and Part IV (Scaphopods: Dentaliidae, Siphonodentaliidae. Paleontología Mexicana, (37), 1–92.


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