Foraminifera Extraction: Methodological Contribution of Canal Samples Derived from Oil Wells
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The current oil industry is demanding the finding of effective and cost-effective methods when making determinations of key parameters, such as lithologies and formation ages during the exploitation process of oil wells. Micropaleontological analyses provide not only biostratigraphic relevant information, but also practical (and logistic) information to estimate yields and extraction methods of cutting samples during the exploration of oil wells. This work briefly describes the high microfossil content of foraminifera found in oil cuttings as well as the advantages and limitations derived from this type of samples. The methods here described emphasize the abundance of recovered foraminifera from collateral oil-drillings cutting samples along a 600 m depth vertical profile, and the observed taphonomic limitations. Even when the preservation grade oscillates from regular toward poor in the analyzed foraminifera because of the rock disaggregation and the applied geophysical methods of exploration, their description and analysis is important because of their potential use in paleogeography, paleoecology, teaching and even for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies in the oil industry.
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