Methods for collecting, cleaning and mounting marine microfossils (calcareous and siliceous) in semi-consolidated rocks and sediments
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In this work, it is performed a description about the methodology that is used in Mexico for the study of microfossils. This as part of the initiative of the first Workshop about the rescue of micropaleontological material carried out by the Paleobiology Laboratory of the Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP), where was made an attempt to formalize the methodologies for the recovery of micropaleontological Mexican material considering the particular adaptations to the standard techniques. This work focuses on the study of calcareous microfossils (foraminifera, ostracods and coccolithophorids) and siliceous microfossils (diatoms, radiolarians and silicoflagellates). It begins with the description of the collection methods for the extraction of microfossils from semi-consolidated material and sediments in both the marine (cores) and the surface environments (punctually and by channel). Subsequently, the processing of the sample or subsample is described, considering cleaning by sieving, separation (“picking”), uartering, classification and assembly for calcareous material and chemical digestion for siliceous material, in addition to detailing the material used in each process.
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