Blancan rodents and lagomorphs (Late Pliocene) from Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

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Ricardo Vasconcelos Ginzo
Marisol Montellano Ballesteros


Fossil remains of Plio-Pleistocene age of several groups of vertebrates have been recovered in Lake Chapala, located in the state of Jalisco. Among the fossils recovered in the zone of Chapala, many belong to rodents and lagomorphs. Several molar teeth of the cricetid rodents Postcopemys chapalensis, Neotoma magnodanta, Sigmodon sp. and Sigmodon minor and lagomorphs Hypolagus vetus were identified in the locality called Chapala 1. This fauna association corresponds to the Blancan age (late Pliocene), corroborated by previous radiometric dating studies of U-Pb, which indicates an age of 3.44 Ma. It is the first record of Hypolagus vetus in Chapala, expanding its distribution during the late Pliocene. The diversity of taxa present in Chapala 1 is moderate and resembles that of associations from other localities found in Mexico and United States of America, which highlights the absence of geomids and sciurids. The lack of family diversity could be due to the collection effort, and upon further research it may be corroborated.

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How to Cite
Vasconcelos Ginzo, R., & Montellano Ballesteros, M. (2024). Blancan rodents and lagomorphs (Late Pliocene) from Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico. Paleontología Mexicana, 13(2), 175–189.
Regular Issue: Paleozoology


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