The distribution of bennettitales and their reproductive structures in the Mixtec terrain
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The Jurassic flora in Mexico has been studied since last century. There are important taxonomic lists, mainly on the State of Oaxaca, where new species are introduced. In this paper, their distribution is lightly explained. The main objective of this paper is to explain the distribution of the Bennettitales of the Mixteco area, based in the floristic listings generated for six localities and by making a group analysis in order to find the similarity among the assemblages. The results suggest a different plants for localities content with genera and species of restricted distribution such as Anomozamites sp, Podozamites sp., Pseudoctenis sp., Williamsonia tlazolteolt Wieland, W. oligosperma Delevoryas, Weltrichia microdigitata Delevoryas, W. diquiyui, Person y Delevoryas W. mixtequensis Silva et al., and general species like Williamsonia netzahualcoyotli Wieland present in all the localities. On the other hand, the stratigraphic analysis suggests that these communities developed on heterogeneous environment that varied from the deltaic to the paleolakes and swamps. Topographical and weather variations could have had a great impact on the flora and produced great diversity that characterizes this Mixteco Terrain.
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