Pectinids from the Pliocene of the Santa Rosalía area, Baja California Sur

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Sara Alicia Quiroz
Maria del Carmen Perrilliat Montoya


This paper covers the study of a Pliocene fauna with abundant well preserved pectinids from the Santa Rosalía region in the State of Baja California Sur.

Twenty species from eight genera of the family Pectinidae are described and illustrated, representing a marine environment with maximum depths of 100 m and contributing to the paleogeographic and biostratigraphic knowledge of this family.

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How to Cite
Quiroz, S. A., & Perrilliat Montoya, M. del C. (1989). Pectinids from the Pliocene of the Santa Rosalía area, Baja California Sur. Paleontología Mexicana, (53), 1–82.


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