Micropaleontological study of Lower Cretaceous rocks (BarremianAlbian) near La Soledad, Nuevo León, northeastern Mexico
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A micropaleontological study was conducted to provide information about the microfossil fauna in the Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Cupido, La Peña, and Cuesta del Cura formations cropping out near the town of La Soledad, southern of Nuevo León state. For the Cupido Formation were recognized the Barremian-middle Aptian Globigerinelloides blowi, Hedbergella sigali, H. similis, H. roblesae, and Hedbergella sp. For the La Peña Formation the association comprises the late Aptian Globigerinelloides ferreolensis, Paraticinella rohri (= Ticinella bejaouaensis), Hedbergella sp., H. sigali; and other pelagic microfossils such as Microcalamoides diversus and Colomiella recta. In the Cuesta del Cura Limestone we recorded Muricohedbergella delrioensis, Bishopella ornelasae, B. alata, Ticinella sp., and Favusella washitensis, Albian in age, in association with calcareous-hyaline calcispheres and Microcalamoides diversus. The micropaleontological analysis allows clarifying the stratigraphy of the study area. The information presented will contribute to a better known of the microfauna studied and therefore of paleoenvironmental conditions, under which these rocks were deposited. In addition, this study will allow correlations to local and regional level.
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