An enigmatic ammonoid macroconch from the La Peña Formation, Sierra del Rosario, Durango State, northern Mexico

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Josep A. Moreno-Bedmar
Jesús Quiroz-Barragán


In this work we report, for the first time from Mexico, an adult macroconch of an ammonite of difficult taxonomic assignation collected in the Aptian materials of the La Peña Formation from the Durango state. The detailed description and comparison of this specimen with other similar macroconchs present in the literature has allowed us to assign it to an acanthohoplitid.

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Moreno-Bedmar, J. A., & Quiroz-Barragán, J. (2018). An enigmatic ammonoid macroconch from the La Peña Formation, Sierra del Rosario, Durango State, northern Mexico. Paleontología Mexicana, 7(1), 19–22.


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