Academic dictum

All manuscripts sent to Paleontología Mexicana are evaluated by an arbitration team through the double-blind peer review modality, where the identity of both the authors and the reviewers will remain anonymous.

Manuscripts submitted to a dictum process will first be submitted to a review by the editorial team. Once the editorial team certifies that the submission meets all the requirements mentioned in the "Editorial Guidelines" for submitting manuscripts, and that is related to the focus and scope of the journal, the text is submitted for editorial dictum to be reviewed under anti-plagiarism software. In case the article presents 30% plagiarism or more (excluding references and verbatim citations) it will be automatically discarded from the publication process.

Manuscripts that pass the first stage will be sent to two expert referees in the disciplinary and subject area of ​​the proposed text for a dictum. The dictum of this first review will be notified to the authors within a maximum period of 6 months. In case of discrepancy in the dictums of the two referees, a third evaluator will be used to settle the difference.

Finally, based on the recommendations from the reviewers, the editors' decision will be:

  1. To recommend its publication without modifications.
  2. To recommend its publication with minor or moderate changes, and that do not require a second review from the referees.
  3. To condition its publication to the making of major changes, which requires a new review by the reviewers. This process can be repeated up to a maximum of two rounds. If, at this point, the document is still not recommended for publication, the article will be rejected without the option of a new submission.
  4. Not to recommend its publication.

The results of the academic dictum process will be unappealable in all cases, likewise, the authors will receive the comments made by the arbitration team.

In case of receiving comments, the author will have a period of 20 calendar days to send the new version of the work to the editor. If it is done outside this period, the document will initiate a new dictum process.